Showing 11 to 15 of 103 blog articles.
Top 5 of the World’s Endangered Animal Species

Continued from last week, this week we count down from 5 to 1. 

5. Tooth-billed Pigeon

A relative of the extinct dodo, tooth-billed pigeons are disappearing at an alarming rate. They only live in Samoa and are currently fewer than 400 left in the wild, with no captive populations to help conservation efforts. They are elusive birds, very rarely seen. Even though illegal today, hunting has played a huge part in their decline, along with the main threat being habitat loss due to agriculture, or natural causes likes cyclones or trees.

4. Gharial

Gharials are fish-eating crocodiles from India. They have long thin snouts with a large bump on the end which resembles a pot known as a Ghara, which is where they get their name. They spend most of their time in freshwater rivers, only leaving the water to bask in the sun and lay eggs. There are only around 200 left in the wild. Their decline is due to several issues, though all human-made. Habitat loss, pollution and entanglement in fishing nets pose as some of the biggest threats.

3. Kakapo

The kakapo, also called owl parrot, is a species of large, flightless, nocturnal, ground-dwelling parrot. The total known adult Kakapo population is 209, all of which are named and tagged, confined to four small islands off the coast of New Zealand that have been cleared of predators. A kakapo’s natural reaction is to freeze and blend in with the background when threatened. It is effective against predators that rely on sight to hunt but not smell. 

2. Amur Leopard

Amur leopards are one of the world’s most endangered big cats. They are on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In 2015, there were only around 90 Amur leopards left within their natural range. That number is now estimated to be less than 70. Like all species on the endangered list, humans are their biggest threat. Their beautiful coats are popular with poachers as are their bones which are sold for use in traditional Asian medicine. They are also at risk from habitat loss due to natural and human-made fires.

1. Vaquita

The vaquita is both the smallest and the most endangered marine mammal in the world. It has been classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN since 1996, and in 2018, there were only around 15 vaquitas left. The latest estimate, from July 2019, suggests there are currently only 9. Their biggest threat is from the illegal fishing of totoaba, a large fish in demand because of its swim bladder. Vaquitas accidentally end up entangled in the gillnets set for totoaba and drown because they can no longer swim to the surface to breathe. 

*All Images for this blog sourced from Google and WWF

  3 years ago
The Unsolved Mystery of Elephants Death in Botswana

The death of hundreds of elephants in Botswana has been an unsolved mystery for a long time during this pandemic in Botswana. Most of these have shown the symptoms of dizziness and walking in circles before dropping dead face-first. Government officials quote that 281 elephants have been verified to be dead with this bizarre behavior, but the conservationists and the NGOs claim that the death toll is much higher.

Initially, wild life experts have omitted the possibility of tuberculosis and believe that the cause is beyond the known diseases. Though the death number does not sound serious in population perspective, it is absolutely critical to complete the diagnosis and have accurate results in order to avoid any foul play or before elephants succumb to more of such mysterious deaths.

Botswana has an estimated 130,000 Savanna elephants and is considered to be one of the last strongholds of species in Africa. The earlier estimations were to be around 350,000 and ivory poaching in 20th century has reduced the species to one third of them today. The thousand-square-mile to the northeast of Okavango Delta, which has witnessed the deaths of elephants has around 18,000 elephants roughly. The wildlife experts and veterans believe that the possible causes could be the ingestion of toxic bacteria into the water, viral infection from rodents in the area or a pathogen infection. Conservationists are also considering the possibility of poisoning by humans.

The investigating officials of the Botswana government had sent for the testing to the laboratories in Zimbabwe, South Africa, US and Canada as well. The wild life department made a press release that the deaths are probably due to natural toxins.

However, the officials have confirmed that the conclusion could not be made about the cause yet.  Authorities have so far ruled out anthrax, as well as poaching, as the tusks were found intact. They believe that some bacteria can naturally produce poison, particularly in stagnant water.

Elephants Without Borders (EWB) is a wildlife conservation charity that first flagged about these mysterious deaths. Their confidential report with references to 356 dead elephants was leaked to the public media in early July. The charity suspected that the deaths were not restricted to any specific age group or gender and has also highlighted that many live elephants have shown signs of weakness, lethargy and even disorientation.

Presence of green lush vegetation and the fact that waterholes in the vicinity are still full of rainwater eliminates the possibility of deaths due to dehydration or starvation. Though the blue green algae can be deadly when consumed along with water, elephants generally drink water from the middle of the water bodies, but not edges. But there has been a pre-historic mass elephant deaths due to Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and this cause could only be substantiated with the laboratory results, which is still underway. The neurological symptoms like walking in circles suggests that anthrax poisoning is also a possibility.

The Anthrax bacteria occurs naturally in soil and elephants become infected if they have ingested contaminated soil or breathed in. Anthrax is known to be affecting wild life and domestic animals around the world.

Experts opinionated that it requires a detailed sampling of carcasses, soil and water in the delta area for an accurate explanation. But the challenge is the remoteness and the hot weather in the area which could have degraded the body, erasing important evidences, and scavenging animals which may eat organs making it extremely challenging for the examination. Despite the wildlife conservationists’ huge cry worldwide, there is still no confirmation on the absolute cause for the hundreds of elephant deaths.

  3 years ago
The Tribe Endangered

This is the introduction to a series on animals that are endangered or in decline, giving them a name so that we can give them a voice.

A.E. (Anthony) Lovell

Meet this tribe
These far flung ones
Precious ones we can’t let go
Little do they know
Their lives are in our hands
And in our plans
What is the plan for these friends
Endangered or in decline?
But they are not numbers
Or strange tongue twisting names
Linnaean Taxonomic classifications
They are sentient beings
We are sentient beings
We have that in common
But only we can control
Whether they get to keep ther home
In the wild, not in captivity
We want to see them in the future
In their natural estate
Not protected by being taken and contained
Effectively gone in the wild
On the shortlist to extinction
Let’s get them off the list
Let’s treat them with respect
As if their life matters
To them and us 
Directly and indirectly
We are their greatest threat
We’re giving them a name
And a face to go with it
And a tribe to recognise
These endangered ones banding together
Safety in numbers is their hope
And names as fellow creatures
Their rescue rope

We’ve anthropologised them
Within an inch of their lives
Some even further, now gone
Now we must anthropomorphise
To call them back from the brink
There are better ways in the future
Just recognise sentience
We have to lo and behold them
To hold them and keep them dear
With all the life on earth 
encircled on this sphere

The first is George...
He already has his name
Then it will be your turn
To give the others
Their names

  3 years ago
The Tribe Endangered No. 4. Ganges River Dolphin ‘Susu Stupendo - AKA Sagacity’

Meet Susu Stupendo 
We’ll have what she’s having!
Aquatic joie de vivre
Expressed above water
We came from water too
But only she returned
Turned hoofs back into fins
Fifty millions years ago plunged back in
But did not stop breathing the air
Bound to the surface periodically 
Just to catch her breath
If only we had what she shows
Her audacity of sagacity
To adapt to the river of life
Flowing from the high Himalayas
Perfectly in tune
A type of singing to talk
And a clicking to find food
Hidden in the mud
Crunchy crustaceans and fishy tid bits
Echo locating in the turbid waters
Replacing her redundant eyes
Seeing now with her mind
Sage advice indeed she could give us
How to live in tune with nature
Long before we turned up
Turned down the visibility even more
Turned up the heat, set to soar
Flooded her habitat with people
Washed down the river our waste
Turning the river into something unsaid
Far from sacred
The further from the source
The worse the excess
Not just a cesspool, it’s a river of cess 
(Briefly clearer during the Pandemic)
Even the carrier away of death
So we amplify your audacity
Sapiens voices raised in sagacity
Restore the river fit for this life
If us humans clean up our act
And act as if your home is sacred in deed 
The water will be as it used to flow
Making you what you are today
When you evolved in the Ganges
It provided all that you needed
Though it did cost you your sight
Now your sight is sound
You can’t see
Yet your view of the world is sound
Ours, not so much
We can’t see
What we’re bringing down
Yours, far too much
The hope of the Susu
Is the hope of the river
And the people of hope
Now what you need is for us to share
In the light of respect and care
With these wise sentients 
And their other river cousins elsewhere
Expressing such joyful sentiments
Like you Susu Stupendo
Who still live there
Long may the Ganges echo
With your kind

More at

  3 years ago
Wildlife Photo Contest to be featured in a MojoStreaming Calendar



Wildlife Photo Contest ends May 21, 2021, 11:00 P.M. Est


We are inviting you to submit YOUR photo of wildlife for

a chance to be featured in our promotional calendar The photo we choose for our cover also will receive a $500 cash prize Deadline to submit your photo is May 21, 2021, 11:00 EST Free

to sign up & submit

To kick off our introduction to MojoStreaming, a

Wildlife Community for photographers and filmmakers. We are inviting you to

submit YOUR photo of wildlife for a chance to be featured in our promotional

calendar (a great opportunity to promote your work) The photo we choose for our

cover also will receive $500. It is free to enter and simple to do: Upload your

image by May 21st before 11:00 P.M. EST (National Endangered Species Day) Sign

up & Submit at

Once you sign up- all you do is click on the Upload button

and choose the Photo for the calendar album.

PS do not forget to check your spam

folder for an email confirmation.

There is more good news! If your photo is

featured in the calendar - we will send you a free calendar!

ALL entries will be featured on Mojostreaming- a great way to gain additional exposure. To learn

more about us:

All photos must be original work, taken by the entrants. No

third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo

must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual

rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.


grant to MojoStreaming a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to use, copy, modify (size), distribute and publish

your photo(s) on our MojoStreaming Website and our Social Media Sites.  Your photo(s) may be used for marketing and

promotional purposes. You represent and warrant that you own or have all

necessary rights (including intellectual property rights) to your photo(s)

(including to grant the license above).


will be judged by the MojoStreaming shareholders.  All decisions are final. The Company reserves

the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform

to stated contest rules.


entering the contest, entrants agree that photos submitted can be used by the MojoStreaming

are for marketing purposes and may be featured in our promotional 18-month



will not be accepted once the deadline lapses: (May 21, 2021, 11:00 p.m. EST)


winner will be contacted via the email address sometime between June 1 -4th

provided during entry. If no response is received after five business days, a new winner will be selected, and the previous winner will forfeit all rights to

the prize.


will also contact all entries that will be featured in the calendar via the email

address sometime between June-1-4th provided during entry.  At this time, we will ask that you provide us

further information about you, and more information about your photography

business/hobby.  We will want to feature

information about you and your work so our customers can learn more about the

work you do.



you have any questions, please contact Cami Ciotta at

  3 years ago