Showing 91 to 95 of 103 blog articles.
The Dark Reality: How The United States Is Enabling Wildlife Crime

The Dark Reality: How The United States Is Enabling Wildlife Crime

The United States has long been a key player in the global illicit wildlife trade, with American consumers being some of the biggest buyers of illegal wildlife products in the world. Many of these products are sourced from countries where wildlife crime is rampant and where environmental protections are weak or nonexistent.
In recent years, the United States has been working to crack down on the importation of illegal wildlife products. However, it has been slow to enact legislation that would effectively address the demand side of the equation. Until the United States takes action to reduce demand, it will continue to enable wildlife crime.

Many people may not realize that the United States is one of the largest demand markets for ivory and other illegal wildlife products. A recent study found that 80 percent of Americans consider themselves animal lovers and support wildlife conservation measures. At the same time, however, it found 80 percent of Americans aren’t aware of the illegal wildlife trade in their own country.

The United States is contributing to the decline of endangered species

The United States is contributing to the decline of endangered species in many ways. Here are four key ways the United States is doing this:

1. Laws and Regulations – The United States does not have any federal laws banning the sale of illegal wildlife products. This lack of legislation has resulted in the flourishing of the illegal wildlife trade in the United States.

2. Demand – The United States has one of the most voracious appetites for illegal wildlife products, contributing to the demand side of the equation.

3. Port Security – Poor port security in the United States allows for illegal wildlife products to be smuggled in, as well as exported.

4 Private Companies – How are they Contributing to Wildlife Crime?

Private companies are playing a major role in the illegal wildlife trade. Here are a few ways that they are contributing:
1. Promotion of Wildlife Products – Private companies are profiting from the promotion of illegal wildlife products. This may include the sale of ivory, clothing made from skin of protected animals, or furs.

2. Money Laundering – Private companies are making money and hiding their profits in various ways. This includes tax evasion, the misuse of donor funds, bribery and other forms of corruption, and money laundering.

3. Poor Security – Private companies often lack proper security measures that can help to protect against the illegal wildlife trade. This can include not properly tracking shipments and shipments, or not following up on cases of suspected smuggling.

4. Lax Regulations – Private companies are operating in countries that often have weak or nonexistent laws concerning the illegal wildlife trade. This leaves them vulnerable to exploitation by criminals. This lack of regulation leads to increased profits for the criminals who are smuggling items such as ivory, rhino horn, and pangolin scales.

and lastly

Hunting – Hunting is legal in the United States and can be done without a license in some cases. While it is possible to legally hunt in the United States, many illegal sources of wildlife products are being generated through unethical hunting practices.
I would have to estimate that 90% of people are not aware of torturing/killing animals for no reason other than for fun and prizes, and it is legal in the United States. What organization do you think supports such activity? If you guessed the NRA then you guessed correctly. Prizes consist of guns, money, and Trophy Hunting trips.  

To learn about this dirty activity that is going on under your nose - watch this:


The United States is actively contributing to the decline of endangered species across the world. This is due to the fact that wildlife trafficking is often associated with transnational organized crime and international terrorist networks.

The US is actively contributing to the decline of endangered species across the world mainly due to the fact that wildlife trafficking is often associated with transnational organized crime and international terrorist networks. Wildlife trafficking has become a multi-billion dollar industry, and the US has had a hand in it.

The US has failed to address the legal aspects of wildlife trafficking for many years, which in turn has allowed for the growth of illicit wildlife trade to continue. This has opened the door for other countries to progress, as countries such as China, Vietnam, and Thailand have seen an increase in the illicit trade of various animal species.

In addition to this, the US government has done very little to promote education and better understanding of the atrocities that wildlife trafficking has in the world. This lack of education has lead to the US public being reliant on information derived from the media that is often biased, incomplete, or does not have a critical understanding of the underlying issues.

As a result, the US population is largely unaware of the dangers of wildlife trafficking, how it impacts biodiversity, and how US policies are enabling it to occur. It is imperative that the US government takes a more proactive approach to curbing wildlife trafficking and educating the population on the issue, as this will ensure that future generations do not have to bear the burden of the current decline in endangered species.

How the U.S. can Combat Wildlife Crime

The US government can take an active role in combating wildlife crime. There are a few steps that the government can take to ensure the protection and conservation of endangered species and the environment at large.

First, the US government should increase its resources and efforts to combat wildlife trafficking. This can be done by increasing the resources for agencies like the US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, and the US Department of Agriculture. The additional resources could be used to increase enforcement of wildlife protection laws, increase monitoring and regulation of US imports, and build partnerships with other countries to ensure that US imports are not involved in wildlife trafficking.

Second, the US can increase public awareness of wildlife trafficking and its impacts. This can be done through campaigns in schools, parks, and public media. The government can also incentivize partnerships with wildlife conservation organizations and research universities to educate the public on the issue.

Finally, the US should promote collaboration with other countries to ensure that wildlife trafficking is addressed globally. This would involve participating in and leading international efforts to combat the global wildlife trade.

By taking these steps, the US can combat wildlife crime, protect endangered species, and help ensure the health of the environment for future generations.

The wildlife traffickers are linked to the illegal pet trade, poaching of iconic species, and illegal logging. The United States government is aware of this and has taken steps to address the issue on a global scale.

The US government has taken a few steps to curb this illegal activity because of the devastating impact that it has on local wildlife populations and ecosystems.

First, they have increased resources to fund agencies like The US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the US Department of Agriculture. This ensures that these organizations have the resources they need to take action and implement tougher regulations but it does not seem to be working.

Second, they have increased public awareness of the issues surrounding wildlife crime and the impacts it has on endangered species and the environment. This can be done through education campaigns in schools, parks and public media which can help to create greater public understanding of the issue. Remember 80% of the people are still unaware so their attempts to educate are failing. We must do more and I ask you to subscribe to MojoStreaming to join our community of wildlife protectors

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Third, the US government has taken an active role in international collaboration, leading and participating in efforts to combat global wildlife trade. By working with countries around the world, the US is ensuring that this issue is taken seriously and is being addressed on a global scale.

Enforce Stricter Penalties for Wildlife Traffickers

The US government is taking steps to enact stricter penalties for wildlife trafficking; however, more needs to be done. Currently, the penalties for wildlife trafficking are not severe enough to discourage those involved in this activity from continuing to do so.

Heavier penalties are needed in order to create an effective deterrent and financial disincentive for these activities. By increasing the penalties and ensuring that they are enforced, the US will send a signal to those who have been engaging in these activities that they will pay a heavy price for their actions.

In addition to tougher penalties, it is important that those involved in wildlife trafficking be held accountable and that their activities be made public. This will create a stigma around the issue and will discourage others from involving themselves in illegal activities.

Finally, the US needs to strengthen its collaboration and international partnerships in order to fight wildlife crime on a global scale. By working with other governments and organizations, the US will not only be able to strengthen its efforts for tackling this issue but also gain valuable intelligence that can be used to prevent these activities from taking place.

By taking all these steps, the US will be able to create a stronger legal framework and raise awareness about the detrimental impacts of wildlife trafficking, ultimately creating a safer environment for endangered species and their habitats.

How Are U.S. Laws Contributing To Wildlife Crime?

The U.S. has several laws that contribute to the wildlife crime crisis. The U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA), originally passed in 1973 and amended in 1988, prohibits the trade of protected species, including their parts and products. However, the regulations in the ESA are often outdated and not comprehensive enough to prevent the trafficking of endangered and at-risk species.

The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) also plays a role in the illegal wildlife trade. It prohibits interactions between humans and marine mammals without a permit, such as capturing, selling, or buying dolphins or whales. The MMPA forbids the trading of marine mammals in the U.S., but it does not apply to the import of marine mammal products from other countries.

The Lacey Act, in force since 1901, is another law that is aimed at combating wildlife trafficking. It prohibits the import, export, and transport of protected wildlife species and requires businesses to accurately label their products. Unfortunately, this label must reference a government-approved system, which is sometimes very difficult to obtain.
Despite the myriad of regulations, criminals continue to exploit flaws in regulations in order to facilitate wildlife crime.
The U.S. needs to strengthen its current laws and create more stringent regulations in order to better protect endangered wildlife and their habitats.

There is no denying that the United States is a major player in the global wildlife trade and its role shouldn't be underestimated. According to a 2019 report from the World Wildlife Fund, the United States is one of the largest consumers of wildlife products globally, accounting for 10% of the global trade in live animals.

The United States is also a major supplier of illegal wildlife products. The United States is a major source of illegal ivory, as well as a major exporter of live animals, including parrots, reptiles, and primates. The U.S. is also a major importer of exotic pet species, such as tortoises and snakes.

On Nov. 2, 2022, Savannah Nicole Valdez, 20, from Katy, Texas, pleaded guilty to smuggling a spider monkey into the United States without first declaring and invoicing it and fleeing an immigration checkpoint. 

On July 12, 2022, Herdade Lokua, 34, and Jospin Mujangi, 32, of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), each plead guilty in federal court in Seattle, WA to conspiracy, and Lacey Act violations for trafficking elephant ivory and white rhinoceros horn from DRC to Seattle. 
Immediately after the arrests, the task force in DRC acted on information provided by HSI Seattle to make additional arrests and seize 2,067 pounds of ivory and 75 pounds of pangolin scales in Kinshasa. The DRC placed the value of the wildlife trafficking contraband at approximately $3.5 million.
On January 25, 2021, a federal judge sentenced a Dallas business owner to pay a $2,000 fine and to complete a 1-year term of probation. The owner pleaded guilty to violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA).

You read correctly $2,000 fine and probation. If you look up records you will find people are fined a few thousand and may spend up to 3 years in jail for something that was earning them hundreds of thousands of dollars! Basically, a slap on the hand! We need strict laws for these criminals.

What you should take from this:

Wildlife crime is big business

Wildlife crime is a serious and growing global problem. Each year, millions of animals are illegally traded for their meat, skin, and body parts. This illicit trade is worth billions of dollars and it is having a devastating impact on wildlife populations around the world.
What many people don’t realize is that the United States is one of the largest markets for illegal wildlife products. In fact, the United States is the second-largest market for illegal ivory after China. Wildlife crime is a big business, and it is being enabled by the United States.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p> Note part of this article was generated with IA if you notice false information please message me.

By coming together and implementing a multi-pronged approach to combating wildlife crime, we can make a major impact in protecting wildlife around the world.

MojoStreaming is a network where advocacy meets entertainment. A channel dedicated to wildlife, our planet, and the concerns of our environment. Our vision is to rejuvenate the love for wildlife through inspiration, creativity, and compassion.  Our Mission is to ignite empathy for animals through mesmerizing and entertaining content while educating the world about the importance of wildlife The goal is to become the voice of thousands of species and motivate our audience to support and safeguard wildlife and the environment through our content. It is a site like no other, from educational wildlife programming to live streaming in sanctuaries around the world to our news/political channel that will keep you current on today's issues we are facing. We invite you to be a part of our family and by working together we can make a difference. 


  1 year ago
Exposing the truth on hunting competitions

Facts on the Inhumane Practices of Hunting Contests

Hunting has been a popular activity for centuries, with many people enjoying the rush of tracking and taking down wild game. However, what many fail to realize is that this so-called "sport" has a darker side - one that involves animal cruelty, unethical practices, and inhumane treatment of wildlife. Hunting contests are just one example of this, where hunters compete to see who can kill the most animals in a set amount of time. We'll take a closer look at these competitions and delve into the facts surrounding their impact on both individual animals and entire ecosystems. Hunting contests are typically held in environments where there is a high concentration of wildlife. This means that the animals involved in these contests have had their natural habitat reduced.  In this blog post, we're going to expose the dark side of hunting competitions in America - from baiting and trapping animals to using illegal methods - so buckle up and prepare to be shocked. 

Many people don't realize is that the so-called "sport" has a dark side – one that involves animal cruelty

Many people view hunting as a traditional pastime that has been around for centuries. However, what many fail to realize is that the activities associated with this so-called "sport" can be incredibly cruel and inhumane. Hunting contests are one of the most egregious examples of this.

During these competitions, hunters compete to see who can kill the most animals within a set period of time. The focus is not on sustainable or responsible hunting practices but rather on winning at all costs. This often leads to unethical behavior such as cheating and taking shortcuts.

Moreover, hunting contests result in an astonishing number of animal deaths - far more than necessary for food or population control purposes. As a result, entire species have been pushed closer to extinction due to overhunting.

The suffering caused by these events cannot be overstated either. Many animals experience prolonged periods of pain before finally succumbing to their injuries - hardly a fair fight for any living creature.

It's important that we recognize the dark side of hunting and take action against practices like hunting contests that cause immense harm to wildlife populations and ecosystems alike.

Which States have the most hunting contests

Hunting contests are a widespread practice in many states across the US. According to reports, hunting competitions take place in more than 40 states, with some of them hosting multiple events each year. Among these states, Texas tops the list as having the most significant number of hunting contests.

In recent years, other states have also seen an increase in the number of hunting contests held within their borders. Arizona and New Mexico have become popular destinations for predator killing competitions, while Montana and Wyoming host several elk-calling tournaments.

However, it is worth noting that not all states permit hunting contests. California became the first state to ban wildlife-killing contests in 2014 when it outlawed coyote-killing competitions.

Despite this progress towards ending unethical hunting practices, there are still numerous challenges involved in bringing an end to such events altogether. It's essential that we continue raising awareness about this issue and advocating for stricter regulations surrounding wildlife management practices across all American states.

Texas does alot of disturbing unethical things involving wildlife and are very good as misleading the public

"The above is a scam in my personal opinion.  I had an interesting conversation with Brian Gilroy.  I believe the organization has creatively fooled people that what they do is for conservation when I believe it is 100% about money. I also believe alot of their revenue comes from enclosed hunting on their ranch."  Cami Ciotta

What organizations are behind hunting contests

Hunting contests are often organized by local hunting clubs, but there are also national organizations that support and promote these inhumane events. One such organization is Safari Club International (SCI), which hosts an annual convention where hunting enthusiasts can bid on hunts for rare and endangered animals. 

One of the most hated by Activists is Jens Ulrich Hoch Hunter and Communications officer for Nordic Safari Club. 

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is another powerful organization that supports hunting contests. They argue that these competitions promote responsible gun ownership and wildlife conservation, but the reality is far from it - many of the species targeted in these contests are not even considered game animals. The winners not only can win money, trophy hunting Safari trips, but also guns! 

Other smaller organizations also exist to promote hunting contests, often with misleading names like "Wildlife Conservation Society." These groups claim to be working towards conservation efforts while simultaneously supporting activities that harm wildlife populations.

It's clear that the organizations behind hunting contests prioritize profit over ethics or environmental protection. It's up to individuals to educate themselves on the true motives of these groups and take action against their harmful practices.

Why are there not stricter rules and regulations for hunting contests

Despite the evident inhumane practices of hunting contests, it remains legal throughout many states in the US. However, one may wonder why there aren't stricter rules and regulations for this so-called "sport." The answer to that is not simple.

Firstly, hunting has always been a part of American culture. It has existed for centuries as a means of gathering food or protecting livestock from predators. Due to its cultural significance, it can be challenging to convince lawmakers and hunters themselves to change their ways. 

Secondly, hunting contests are often organized by powerful organizations such as the Safari Club International (SCI) or the National Rifle Association (NRA). These groups have significant lobbying power and influence over politicians who make laws that govern hunting activities. Plus many of our lawmakers are bought by the NRA and they now own them.  The most powerful organization and most harmful organization in the U.S. is the NRA.  Until someone, or some group has enough resources/money the NRA will always win and will continue to run the U.S.  The way to win and to take their power away is to get enough citizens to go against them. It is all in the numbers. 

Despite efforts made by animal welfare activists and environmentalists to push stricter regulations on these events, they still face opposition from those who view them as an infringement on their rights. Additionally, law enforcement agencies tasked with enforcing existing regulations may lack resources or funding necessary for proper implementation.

As a result of these factors combined with other underlying issues like politics and economics; our wildlife continues suffering at the hands of unethical slaughter during hunting competitions.

Why are hunting contests legal

The legality of hunting contests is a perplexing issue, especially given the inhumane and unethical practices associated with such events. It's important to understand that hunting is regulated by state laws, meaning jurisdictions play a significant role in determining whether or not hunting competitions are legal.

One reason why these contests may be considered lawful is because they generate revenue for both private businesses and state governments. Hunting activities bring money into rural areas through tourism, lodging, food services, and equipment sales. Additionally, states often receive license fees from hunters which help finance conservation efforts.

Another argument used to support the legality of these contests centers around individual rights. Proponents argue that participating in hunting contests falls under their right to bear arms and pursue leisure activities as guaranteed by the Constitution.

Unfortunately, it seems that concerns about animal welfare have been overshadowed by financial gain and personal freedoms when it comes to regulating hunting competitions. The fact remains that these events cause immense suffering for wildlife populations and can disrupt entire ecosystems - all in the name of "sport".

How Legislation is Failing to Protect Animals from Hunting Contests

Despite efforts by animal rights activists and the public, legislation is failing to protect animals from hunting contests. Hunting competitions are legal in many states, which means that organizers can hold them without fear of criminal prosecution.

In most cases, there are no laws regulating these events. Even when regulations exist, they may be weak or poorly enforced. This lack of oversight allows hunters to engage in unethical behavior such as using illegal baiting techniques or shooting more animals than allowed.

Furthermore, some organizations behind hunting contests have powerful lobbyists who influence state legislators and prevent stricter regulations from being implemented. These lobbyists argue that hunting contributes to conservation efforts and brings economic benefits to rural areas which is a huge lie and people are believing such lies.  Please step up and do your part by educating others or simply share this article.

However, the reality is that hunting contests often lead to the unnecessary slaughter of wildlife and cause suffering for individual animals. Species can also become endangered due to excessive hunting pressure on their populations. The ecosystem itself can suffer if certain species disappear or become too scarce.

It's clear that current legislation is not doing enough to protect animals from inhumane practices associated with hunting contests. More needs to be done at both the state and federal levels if we want a future where wild animals are treated with respect and dignity rather than as mere targets for cruelty and sport.

What You Can Do To Help End hunting competitions

It's time to take a stand against the inhumane practices of hunting contests and protect our wildlife from suffering, torture, and extinction. As individuals, we can make a difference by raising awareness about these unethical competitions and advocating for stricter regulations.

One of the most effective ways to end hunting contests is to support organizations that are actively working towards this goal. Consider donating your time or money to groups like the Humane Society of the United States or Project Coyote is a favorite of MojoStreaming.

Also, support MojoStreaming an online wildlife channel that are advocates for our wildlife.  Join us for free (for a limited time) to watch or even participate in live debates, interviews, and more.  Join other like-minded, compassionate people who have a love for nature and wildlife! It is a great community to be a part of:  Learn more at

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Additionally, you can reach out to your local representatives and urge them to enact laws that ban hunting contests altogether. Your voice can make all the difference in protecting our ecosystem from needless cruelty and slaughter.


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If you have time watch this informative but disturbing short film:

Let us remember that animals are sentient beings deserving of respect, compassion, and protection. By taking action today, we can create a better future where wildlife is cherished rather than exploited for human entertainment.

  1 year ago
SpyWhale: The Saga of Hvaldimir

I have been following the story of Hvaldimir the Beluga Whale and was inspired to write this Saga to try to influence the ending, by rallying some resources to finally get him to a place of safety. He’s lost, far from home and very far from safe. You can keep up with the latest on the OneWhale socials. There are 6 Chapters so far, and now he is in Sweden. Here is Chapter 1.

Images: One Whale


My Website:


  11 months ago
SpyWhale Chapter 2

Chapter 2 looks at Hvaldimir’s mysterious origin…

  11 months ago
Letter to the House of Lords re Trophy Meryl Harrison

Great news to read that the House of Lords is to back the ban on trophy hunting imports into the UK (Saturday Mirror June 17th).


What planet is Crossbencher Lord St John of Bletso on?, who in his ignorance supports the bill, and comments “ Evidence shows properly regulated wild trophy hunting does play an important role in wildlife conservation”.


Certainly not in Zimbabwe M’Lord! – as a former Chief Inspector for the Zimbabwe National Soc. For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ZNSPCA), I saw first hand how funding that was supposed to be given to the local communities where hunts took place, was rarely received by them.

Instead due to rampant corruption, it was the Town Councillors who were seen driving around in 4x4s and Mercedes, while the local villagers got nothing, except possibly some meat from the hunts.


In addition, some of the trophy hunters who visit Zimbabwe are also guilty of unethical practices, such as using donkeys and goats as live bait.


In addition, there are still several trophy hunters who are using packs of imported hounds to hunt Zimbabwean leopards which was illegal under Zimbabwe’s Wild Life Act.

I know because I was responsible for getting an Amendment to the Act making it illegal for hunters to use packs of dogs - only for the USA’s notorious Safari Club International to swiftly  “persuade” the Zimbabwean Govt to make hunting with dogs “legal” again.


This practice is disliked by many professional hunters, who say that “the leopard does not stand a chance”, one Zimbabwean hunter who did use dogs for his clients, when questioned in an interview as to whether this method was ethical? - replied “it may be cruel”


Pro Trophy Hunting activists should be aware that several hunting safaris in Zimbabwe still offer this practice to their rich overseas clients, who pay extra if packs of dogs are used.

However, if a local Zimbabwean living in the rural areas,  is caught hunting with his own indigenous dogs to catch rabbits and small animals to feed his family – the Zimbabwean Government’s  Police shoot his dogs, he is arrested, taken to court and fined, with the possibility of being jailed if he has no money for the fine, which is more often the about double standards.


May I suggest that Lord St John of Bletso gets his facts right – trophy hunting is not the cosy “regulated “ pastime he seems to think it is?


Meryl Harrison

  11 months ago