Showing 71 to 75 of 105 blog articles.
Five Shooter

Like fingers 
Each one different 
Distinct in purpose 
To hold, close your hand
Which one would you choose to lose
One less important than the other?
Big Five
Like fingers
All different, come together
Hold on for dear life
Which one would we choose to lose
One less important than the other?
Old Five
Like fingers
Hold a gun, one for a trigger
Squeeze off a round
One comes down
Which one did they choose to waste
One more prized than the other?
New Five
New hand dealt
Fingers come together
To hold a camera
One finger for a different trigger
To shoot yes, only to capture
No need to choose, shoot them all
Five shooter
All prized equally
Shoot as many times as you like
No harm will be done to any one
Finally a hand, a steady hand
Five fingers to capture the big five
Without making them captive
Only their powerful images
Capturing the brilliant truth 
The sentience of their existence
Their majesty in the wild
Their right to live and roam
In their home
Untouched plains and jungles
Mountains and ice flows
That’s the prize, the trophy shot
The New Big Five

Five Fingers - full hand
Point them out
One by one...follow the series

Lion - Index: Big cat royalty, Leo points the way...

Elephant - Middle: Tallest Pachyderm, largest animal who walks, centre hold...

Tiger - Third: Largest Panthera, star with stripes, lock-in ...

Polar Bear - Little: (Not that little!) Ursus of the sea, mighty white clamp...

Gorilla - Thumb: Misty mountain Primate, opposable grasp

Lion will lead the

Feature photo from
Visit the site for some wonderful photos and thoughts.

A. E. Lovell

  3 years ago
The Tribe Endangered No. 5 The Life of Brian

Not that Brian
The one who lived next door
And was mistaken for, the Messiah 
Our Brian is a Pongo
Similar to humans in many ways
Who had the misfortune
Of living next to human food production 
He was orphaned, forsaken
Lets switch to his story
‘The Brian of Life’
Little Man of the too little forest
Clinging to his kind's name
Swinging as he is wont to do
Tarzan-like from tree to tree
Living in the treetops, born free
But as with all these stories
Sagas of the Tribe Endangered
Something has gone wrong
Or he wouldn’t be invited 
To join this exclusive Tribe
Instinctively non-extinctive
But heading and helped along that way
By his catastrophe creating cousin
The Man Who Felled The Earth
Not just one, the species
The hungry collective
Insatiable appetites for sweet oily ‘food’
The treat in the palm of their hand
Oiled by the Palm grown on the land
Brian’s only home - homeland 
Brian’s trees must be cleared away
For neat and orderly rows of production
Nothing can be grown in the chaos
Of the jungle, just oversized weeds
Choking the productive fields and hills
In the big scheme of human snacking
In one fell swoop Brian fell afoul
His home was felled with one hand
Taking his mother with it, down
But another hand, the helping kind
Lifted him out to safety and sanctuary
His life was saved but complicated
What’s a guy got to do
To catch a break!
It started well, a kind female adopted him
And in the love and company of his kind
He grew, and so did the Manhood of his Forest
In no time he would be searching for a mate
Kind Rosa raised him for some two years
From three to five years old
Showed him the jungle ropes
So to speak
But after she became a mother
Left to roam, leaving Brian alone
So he struck out on his own
And struck out when confronted 
By the dominant male of the territory 
Stood his tree bravely, didn’t back down
Narrowly avoiding being banged up by Bangkal
But his carers thought it prudent
To take their Orang student of forest life
To a different patch of forest
Strike two!
This time Brian maybe didn’t follow jungle lore
Might have stood up like before
But took a savage beating 
You don’t call the local big guy Yokel
It’s Yoko, appellation ’Sir’
Battered, injured and bleeding
He was brought back in needing
Time out for treatment and healing
And processing his harsh lessons
Don’t venture into a dominant male’s range
Too cocky and haughty
Don’t fracas with him
Don’t even look sideways at his mates
Don’t talk back, but fallback
Find your own range
And therein lies his dilemma 
Still critically endangered
Young Man of the Trees
As the trees are chainsawed down
Range options diminishing
Homeland dwindling 
Life can be so harsh
For Brian of Life

Thanks to the kind hands
And watchful eyes
Of the Orangutan Foundation
His still has a sanctuary
A small patch to patrol
To live the life of Brian
Help the helping hands
To hold him dear
And keep him here

A. E. Lovell

  3 years ago
Limited Time - Watch Award-winning film Blood Lions

Available for 24 hours! 

All those who are interested in the
interview, can have a free screening of the Movie “Blood Lions”, to get a
background of the events that led up to this new proposed legislation. The link
to the movie will expire in 5 days. It can be seen at:  Password: BLF0308

Sign up at Mojostreaming to learn about future events!

  3 years ago
Join us TODAY June 23, 2021 for a special online free event.

TODAY at 1

pm EST (5 PM GMT), our in house

host, Cathleen Trigg-Jones, (

will do a live interview with Dr. Louise de Waal of Blood Lions, an organization that exposed the incredibly cruel practice of canned lion hunting

with their award-winning film of the same name. The focus of the interview will

be the proposed new legislation in South Africa to govern all Wildlife farming,

especially Lion farming. The interview will be followed by a Q&A. The link

to the meeting is



contact Cami at

if you are interested in being featured or interviewed by Mojostreaming


  3 years ago
Chake Conservancy Masai Mara - Mr Charles Kinara

Chake Conservancy Masai Mara is proud to announce our Founder has been awarded his Honorary Warden status by the Cabinet Secretary of The Ministry of Environment Kenya. For the Greater Rift Valley...
This has come after many years of hard work and of course like everything is without remuneration. It is a long process to get awarded this and we are extremely Proud of you Our Founder and Father of Chake!
For those of you new to Conservancy Laws this is just shortened lists of some of the responsibilities which you are now able to be Lawfully Acting on....
For one to be considered for appointment as an Honorary Warden,
Must be resident within the Conservation Area in which they
are applying for Honorary Wardenship;
May have served or be serving in any capacity in a conservation
related organization;
Must be active in conservation initiatives within their area;
Must demonstrate the nature of assistance they shall give in carrying into effect the provisions of the Act.Honorary Wardens shall have countrywide deployment. Without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing, Honorary Wardens shall be appointed to carry out functions within the following areas of specialization –
Community wildlife service
Problem animal management;
Resource mobilization;
Veterinary services;
Fundraising for wildlife conservation;
Fire management in protected areas;
Giving advice on policy formulation;
Wildlife translocation;
Wildlife census;
Species and ecosystem monitoring
Wildlife utilization management;
Wildlife veterinary practice;
Attending meetings, conferences, workshops and Report any criminal activity to the local Warden;
In the absence of any member of the Service on the ground,
take immediate action in case of any emergency;
Deliver any trophies recovered to the local Warden
Use a firearm for problem animal management
Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 31(1) above, an
Honorary Warden may use his firearm for protection of human life and property under Section 30 and 31 of the Act without being
accompanied by members of the Service, where there is immediate
Asante Sana, Dankie, Thank you to all members for your continued support and donations!
Chake wishes you love, peace and health and happiness and hope to welcome you to Kenya soon!
Donate direct towards Tree planting and Animal and Community Protection and Snare removal
see our website for more about each of us.

  3 years ago