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The Shooting Trap Part 3. Words Can Hurt

Words can hurt - in this case kill, by definition…
Supposed to be the last argument, but maybe not
Words have meaning, lead to shared understanding 
Trophy on its own a clear word, same for Hunting 
Compounded they go oxymoronic, nonsensical 
Marketing for deliberately misleading
Trophy Hunting, no sporting prowess killing
Feel good appellation - maybe only feel better
Body parts are not trophies in 2022, neither manhood rituals
Like they were in early human wars and hunting gathering 
Held some mystical power over a dead enemy
Since when an enemy - a lion, elephant, giraffe, a rhino
And all of the others savagely pictured and posted
When it’s minding its own business
Just trying to stay alive in its own habitat
When was Trophy appropriated to blood-sport
For that matter, when did sport turn to killing
Its just a transaction, akin to an execution
A Trophy Hunter Hit Man fulfilling his own Contract
Purchases a licence to kill
Still misnomenclatured, still oxymoronic
Ethics left to humans playing god
When nature is ruled by the gods of chance
No guarantee for prey to make it through the day
Even if they could pray
Let the Dictionaries take note, erroneous definition
Trophy Hunting is neither sport not hunting
The search is on for its definitive replacement 
Body Part Killing, no direct transliteration 
Killing Animals for Body Parts - sounds like the descriptor
There’s a challenge for you 
Come up with an accurate name
Animal Killing (for no good reason (understood)
Is as close as a poet can get
Until creative licence is enacted
Thrill Killing grinning, compulsive killing chilling
Any deprecating descriptor
Still more accurate than Trophy Hunting
Put it in a can, as they do with lions
Let them shoot it down, a guaranteed kill
Let them pose, maniacally grinning
Next to the lifeless, grotesque corpse
Trophy Hunting, rest in pieces
Valued parts cut off, carted away
To stare out in death another day
From a former killer’s wall

‘It’s easier from an armchair’
I agree with Roger, in ‘Drowse’
Making these ‘expert’ comments
In ignorance from far away

No one wins this debate
While the animals lose their lives
To ‘conserve’ more of their kind 
Into it they fell so easily
The Shooting Trap

  2 years ago
TROPHY HUNTING Did you know that Between 2014 and 2020, trophies of 5,409 animals of internationally protected species were imported into Germany, including 194 leopards, 208 brown bears, 166 hippos 229 elephants, 138 lions, nine polar bears and two black rhinos. Many of these animals were killed because of the hunts sold at hunting fairs.


As from 24th-29 January,2023 Europe’s largest hunting fair has been taking place in Dortmund, Germany. Over 80 national and international exhibitors from Canada, Argentina, Namibia, South Africa, Germany, Spain, Poland and others, are in attendance, offering trophy hunting trips, that cost between a few hundred and tens of thousands of euros, around the world to kill elephants, big cats, rhinos, polar bears and numerous other iconic species.

Trophy hunting is a form of entertainment rooted in wealth and pageantry that results in both severe cases of animal harm and far reaching damaging biological and ecological impacts. Yet, more than 120,000 animals are killed in Africa each year by big game hunters. The European Union is the second largest importer of hunting trophies from internationally protected species, behind the United States.  Germany is by far the greatest importer within the European Union. 

  1 year ago
Damaliscus lunatus.


Unlike their close antelopes, topis usually calve at the end of the dry season and have a good success rate.


These animals have two feeding peaks, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon, but they can be found feeding at any time.


Every year, males go to traditional breeding areas, and the females arrive shortly afterwards in small groups or singly. Males approach a female in either a rocking canter or in a low stretch posture, searching for a female in heat. The female shows that she is ready by raising her head and standing tall.


  1 year ago

Sexual maturity of the female is at 48-60 months, the male is at 42 months. The giraffe mate at any time of the year with the gestation period being between 453 - 464 days. There is usually only one calf, very rarely twins. A giraffe cow in season attracts males from all around, but is soon won by a dominant bull. The male signals his readiness to mate by tapping on the female's hind leg with his foreleg or resting his chin on her back. He usually follows her, sometimes for hours, until she allows him to mount her

Giraffes don't have a set mating season. Instead they have an estrous cycle, which is a lot like the human menstrual cycle (but with less blood and slightly different hormones). The male giraffes don't just mate with the ladies all the time, so they generally try to find a way to determine is the lady is 

  2 years ago

In this 3rd episode which is the last of my intended sharing is that I have total confidence and belief that we  the young generation have  the best chance as we have to change the way our people and the rest of the continent talks about and perceives conservation. We the now generation, are the best chance we have to ensure Africa and all its inhabitants animals,human or otherwise have a future. Can you imagine, the  impact Kwame Nkuruma, Patrice Lumumba , Nelson Mandela and other renowned young Pan African leaders would have generated, if they had WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? They were also young when they started their struggle for independence . Today’s young people is perhaps facing an even bigger challenge than the past generation were but we also have more power.

If there is one thing that I hope that the COVID-19 pandemic can teach us all, it is that the health of humans is one and the same as the health of nature and wildlife. When this pandemic is finally over, we cannot surely afford to return to “normal” and continue ignoring the destruction we have been causing in the name of development. And this is entirely up to the African youth, mojo live-streaming and the rest of the world to keep us all on the right path.

  2 years ago